大家好,今天小編關注到一個比較有意思的話題,就是關于葫蘆絲獨奏雪域踢踏簡譜的問題,于是小編就整理了2個相關介紹葫蘆絲獨奏雪域踢踏簡譜的解答,讓我們一起看看吧。1吉祥藏歷年(原創) 歌詞?歌曲:《吉祥藏歷年》演唱:降央卓瑪所屬專輯:《金色的誘…
A Maiden's Prayer
A man came home from work one night,
To find his house without a light;
He went upstairs to go to bed,
When a sudden thought came to his head.
He walked into his daughter's room,
And found her hanging from a beam;
He took his knife and he cut her down,
And on her breast this note he found.
My love was for that sailor boy,
Who travels far across the sea;
Sometimes I've often thought of him,
But I know he never thinks of me.
I wish my baby had been born,
Then all my troubles would be o'er;
But tell my love we'll meet again,
Over yonder on that golden shore.
So dig my grave and dig it deep,
And place white lilies at my feet;
And on my breast a turtle dove,
To show that I have died for love.
We dug her grave and we dug it deep,
We placed white lilies at her feet;
And on her breast a turtle dove,
To show that she had died for love;
To show that she had died for love.
你好 ,首先說明,我也是彈鋼琴的,曾經彈過少女的祈禱這首曲子要注意 樂曲以變奏的形式寫成,全曲共60個小節。引子;1----4小節,主題5——12小節:變奏13——20 21——28 29——36 37——44 45——52;尾聲 53——60 你彈得時候主意八度手型 彈出聲音要整齊 ,談好的話很好聽,祝你練好這是我自己專門打得!!
我覺得彈鋼琴不能想那么多東西 光想著踩踏板 彈奏音符的強弱 只會把音樂的沒有活力 一般的樂譜上都會標明踏板什么時候踩 我覺得應該更多的去感受曲子的內涵 彈出自己的感覺才是最重要的 不要想太多東西